Investment Funds Audited Accounts 2022
Lotus Halal Equity Exchange Traded Fund (LHEETF), Lotus Halal Investment Fund (LHIF) and Lotus Halal Fixed Income Fund (LHFIF) for the year ended 31st December 2022
Lotus Halal Equity Exchange Traded Fund (LHEETF)
Lotus Halal Investment Fund (LHIF)
Lotus Halal Fixed Income Fund (LHFIF)
Lotus Halal Equity Exchange Traded Fund (LHEETF)
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Lotus Halal ETF Audited Accounts 2022.signed (1) (1)”]
Lotus Halal Investment Fund (LHIF)
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2022 Lotus Halal Invst Fund Audited Accounts. signed (1) (1)”]
Lotus Halal Fixed Income Fund (LHFIF)
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Lotus FIF Audited Accounts – 2022″]